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Like one particularly astute Whistle Buoy bartender once said, "people drink with their". So, we let colour guide the way in the recipe development process for our 500th brew and decided to attempt a beer that looked as green as a kale smoothie...
Have we replaced ourselves with the robot overlords? It feels much too early to say, but one thing is certain, Robo Beer is here and it’s delicious!
This beer is special to us for two reasons, 1. Because the dry, tart, golden nectar is a luxurious sensory experience that makes our taste buds feel like they're strutting the red carpet. And, 2. The ingredients in the glass are a true example of our values in action and we...
This old school IPA is made solely with Rocky Mountain Malt from Red Shed Malting located in Penhold Alberta and Centennial Hops from Maple Bay Hop Farm in Maple Bay, BC.Â
Have you ever sat at a bar and heard two people who really don't know their stuff, pretentiously and overconfidently explain all about the intricacies of craft beer? We think bumptious is a perfect word for that annoying behaviour.
Whistle Buoy's new Blueberry Sour. The must see new beer ad from creative mastermind Ryan Steele and all the beer stats you need. Secret Stuff is a refreshing and mouth puckering kettle sour with 110 lbs of blueberries from Michells Farm.