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Like one particularly astute Whistle Buoy bartender once said, "people drink with their". So, we let colour guide the way in the recipe development process for our 500th brew and decided to attempt a beer that looked as green as a kale smoothie...
Building our small business on Vancouver Island has meant not having to choose between quantity or quality, we're fortunate to have access to an abundance of sustainable resources so close to home. We made this film to shed some light on where your beer comes from, all the way from a little seed to...
Have we replaced ourselves with the robot overlords? It feels much too early to say, but one thing is certain, Robo Beer is here and it’s delicious!
After three years, we are finally celebrating our birthday with an all-day music and beer festival in Market Square that features local food vendors and live wrestling entertainment. To say the least, we are pumped!