2023 was a year of big changes, as any year tends to be when you're operating a small business, and we're looking forward to bringing new growth while sticking to our values and pumping out new and exciting brews on the reg.

In the Fall of 2023 after a lot of conversation, consideration, and convincing... we pulled the trigger and purchased our own canning line from Bayview Brewing in Ladysmith, located just up island. After a few runs of trial and error, and so many dented cans, we were up and running and able to release our beers in 473ml cans AKA the classic "tall boy" format, making our beers to go more accessible and allowing us to distribute our beers to liquor stores regularly for the first time ever!

While this is super exciting and opens a new door for us as a business, it's also bittersweet.
After sorting out the kinks of our canning line we made the executive decision to eliminate the crowler from our fridge. Remember those? The can larger than your hand?
This was originally only option available if you wanted to take a beer home. Or to the beach. Or your friends backyard. You get it.
Why did we say goodbye?
They say the only thing constant is change, and whoever they are is right.
Since our first in 2019 we have brewed over 300 styles and creations each made unique by adding some Whistle Buoy flare. We felt it was time to narrow a few of those down and pick our favorites to be tapped and canned regularly throughout the year.

All that being said, not everything has to change. Our taproom will continue to be a place where fresh, tasty, and experimental beers will always be on rotation.
The Wilderness Series Continues...
Around this time last year we released Sea Wolf West Coast IPA the first in our collaborative series with local photographer and good pal Taylor Michael Burk as an ode to the West Coast and the animals that inhabit it.

Each photograph was captured throughout the Kwakwaka'wakw territory on expeditions with Sea Wolf Adventures + Coastal Rainforest Safaris and designated to their own WB brew using local ingredients; so far a West Coast IPA, Spruce Tip Pale Ale, Kelp Gose, and coming soon is a West Coast Pilsner!
Sealion is made using nearly 100% local ingredients. The pilsner barley was grown on the Sannich Peninsual by our pals at Field 5 Farm, leaning into the beautifully crisp, clean nature of a classic German Pilsner. We also used 100% locally grown Cascade and Centennial hops from the hard working folks at Maple Bay Hop Farm to give us those floral and citrusy notes the West Coast beer scene is known for.
Consider this a West Coast experience right in your glass.
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